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Available in Paperback, eBook, and (some) Audiobook

The Name I Chose


Alternative History/Steampunk

A story of passion and peril in alternative Victorian England.

It's the late 19th century. Bold inventions usher in a new age, while genetic and cosmetic sciences reinforce an age-old class system. For the rich, immunity to disability and disease justifies their hold on power. Born disfigured, Mordecai Michaelson has employed his musical talent to rise above a life of poverty. Philomena Paulson appears no less perfect and no more talented than her upper class world requires. But she has secrets only Mordecai understands. Acceptance, trust, and a passion for music compose bonds of forbidden love between them. When chance discovery of Philomena's darkest secret threatens scandal and revolution, she's determined to save Mordecai from the gallows. But Mordecai is just as determined to keep her from social suicide, even if it costs him his life.


"... what we have here is an excellent screen play for an equally excellent film. All the necessary component parts are present: romance and love interest, beautiful music..." 5 stars! Winner of 2022 Silver and 2022 Highly Recommended Awards. ~ The Historical Fiction Company

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Horror/Dark Romance

Turn to me, Natalie.
His mental call to her was dangerous, of course. Dangerous for him. Dangerous for her too, but she was in danger, anyway.
Look at me now.
Her gaze traveled slowly upward. With every moment, physical awareness stretched tauter between them. Her eyes wandered over Julian's face, over his slashing dark brows, down the ridge of his aquiline nose to his chiseled mouth. “You're our angel!” The ballerina smiled.
The vampire smiled back.
She explained, “An angel is someone who makes an extremely generous donation to demonstrate his or her love for the ballet.”
“I do love the ballet,” Julian told Natalie fervently, his shadowed eyes fixed on her breasts. Their firm swells strained against the sweat-soaked fabric; buttons were undone to the moist hollow between them. God.
He didn’t have to kill her right away, did he?

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The Bad Death

Historical Horror

Passion rules the heart and terror rules the night…

South Carolina, 1788. The African beauty emerging from his family crypt is a stranger to Julian Mouret, the refined owner of Lion’s Court plantation. A dancer and a mystery, she spins a strange, dark, and impossible tale of peril and flight. Though he fears she must surely be mad, the handsome slave owner is soon himself a slave, lost to the seductions of this enchantress called Anika and determined to lead her North to safety.

But there can be no safe haven for Julian or the exquisite Gullah girl who has bewitched him, not while monsters roam the night. A series of horrifying mutilation murders screams of the presence of “plat-eyes”—shape-shifting blood-sucking supernatural creatures feeding at will on the plantation workers—and only Anika can end the rampage. But to face the vampire horde she will have to master the darkness within. And the price of victory in the battle ahead may well be the eternal soul of the man she is coming to love.

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Night at the Demontorium

Horror/Grimdark Fantasy

Psychological meets supernatural in a room without dimensions known as the Demontorium.


Located just behind a tissue-thin layer of normalcy, its corrosive influence seeps through. When the demons stir to life, an item dropped on a marriage bed opens up the phantasmagoric regions of hell. A trapped young man waits for the ringing of an antique telephone that signals death. An abused child fights back with a deviant strain of household pest. Through an ancient rite she thought was harmless, a modern woman unleashes a timeless evil. Demontorium Series, books one and two combined. Nine cautionary tales meant to tighten your grip on the thin layer that separates you from inhabitants of the Demontorium.

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